Goal-Based Enrollment   //   Advisor Managed Accounts   //   Retirement Income   //   IRA Rollovers   //   Participant Engagement  //  Plan Success Reporting   //   Education and Wellness

Goal-Based Enrollment   //   Advisor Managed Accounts   //   Retirement Income   //   IRA Rollovers   //   Participant Engagement  //  Plan Success Reporting   //   Education and Wellness

Goal-Based Enrollment   //   Advisor Managed Accounts   //   Retirement Income   //   IRA Rollovers   //   Participant Engagement  //  Plan Success Reporting   //   Education and Wellness






A Strategy and Success Map for Retirement Plan Advisors

If your goal is to be competitive in the retirement plan market ahead, you’ll need to demonstrate to your clients how exactly you help plan participants achieve better outcomes. iJoin has tools built precisely to help you do that.

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With iJoin, you will immediately differentiate your service model.

Differentiate by offering iJoin’s highly personalized, goal-based experience for employees, and by reporting to plan sponsors about concrete plan success metrics that underscore valuable difference you make.

Goal-based approach to engagement and investing

More actionable information to share with plan sponsors

New ways to directly communicate with plan participants

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iJoin’s Analytics Dashboard gives an instant snapshot of key data across your plans.

Get analytics at-a-glance for plan participation rates, how much participants are saving, whether participants are optimizing their matching options, and how many participants are on track to reach their own goals. Seeing these trends clearly equips you with concrete metrics to share at your next plan sponsor meeting, and lays out the best next steps needed for each plan.

iJoin’s Plan Health Report presents the value of your work in quantifiable terms.

The Plan Health Report shows period-over-period performance trends. When your clients can see these trends concretely, that underscores the value you bring to the partnership in a way they can easily understand.

Employee pool participation

Goal success by age group

Participation by age group

Performance by age group

Percent maximizing match

Investment analysis

Terminated with balance

Drill down further to access participant-level data.

Access to more granular detail reveals more information about participant savings behaviors. Insight into those behaviors suggests more actionable messaging campaign topics.

Communicate in just a few clicks.

Communication is critical in setting expectations, educating clients, and maintaining the quality your client relationship. Until now, it’s been very hard to produce sophisticated email campaigns at the participant level.

iJoin’s Data Analyzer connects to the built-in Email Campaign Builder, giving you the ability to reach every participant in every plan with just a few clicks.

You cement your services as active, ongoing, and valuable in the minds of your client when you consistently offer insightful guidance and useful tools to participants.

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iJoin Screenshot: Data Analyzer tool

Easy templates for your messaging campaigns.

Target people with timely messages that encourage successful savings behaviors. Put your brand and message forward at regular intervals and at important moments in their financial life.

Select Email Recipients Based on Plan or Criteria

  • Eligible, but not participating
  • Haven’t visited in [X] days
  • Are not maximizing match
  • Will become eligible (iJoin Intro)
  • Introduce / reinforce MAP
  • Short of goal (by age groups)
  • Short of goal (by income bracket)
  • Long-term investor (COVID-19)
  • Dollar Cost Averaging (COVID-19)

Take Advantage of our Common Sense Functionality

  • All messages automatically link to iJoin tools or to your participant portals so recipients can start their next steps with the click of a button
  • You can schedule one-time or multi-message campaigns to reach participants across all or any of your plans
  • Email campaigns are fully hosted on iJoin and require no setup or maintenance from you
  • Message templates can be partner-branded and are fully editable
  • You are the named email sender

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Enhance Your New Plan Business Model

Add iJoin to your plan proposals.

With our tools, you have the power to easily identify key behaviors and trends in the plan and to take actions that help produce long‑term satisfaction and success for participants. That’s a persuasive differentiator.

Deliver on your promise to create better participant outcomes.

iJoin gives you an immediate competitive advantage by delivering better enrollment, re‑enrollment, and engagement experiences. iJoin is a better way to help people answer questions about how much to save for retirement.

All in all, these tools will help you deliver a better experience for those you serve and demonstrate the value you bring to partnerships!

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